There is no such thing as preventative care.... it is all a sham.... all for money and the making of more. For many years, this earth was populated without the aid of a birthing room in a hospital, ultrasounds, "pictures of babies inside the womb.... now it is a trend for new moms to bring their ultrasound photos for all to see. What we r-e-a-l-l-y need is to get back to the business of finding out what is going on inside of each person, and treating them from that aspect... not from symptoms and matching them to a drug.... a drug that has side effects that are hidden, and pushed under the rug so more profit can be made. Why not give a viable person a new hip or knee?? Who decides?? If that is the case, then we should not be wasting our money on those people who are a burden on society in other ways.... those that need round the clock care from day one,people who cannot talk or do anything but be cared for by others, the those that become paralized,.... the list becomes filled with exceptions to the rule. We all have the right to treatment.... if health care were NOT a FOR PROFIT operation, we could all have a better chance at being healthy for a longer time.