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Re: Bone Broth Soup benefits many conditions(see end of post

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

grzbear Views: 7,482
Published: 14 y
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Re: Bone Broth Soup benefits many conditions(see end of post

Think about this a minute... bone marrow is where a lot of metabolic activity occurs, wouldn't you wish to have as clean a food as possible?

I source mine from free range, *biodynamically* raised local sources... none further than two hours away from my home.

*none* of them are *certified* organic - and do not need to be IMO... If I add chickens to my little piece of land this year, they will not be certified either... however, rest assured, they will be beyond organically raised, humanly treated, and happy.

I have relationships with all of the ranchers, and their animals I get... I have personally milked the goats I get my raw milk from.

I insist on receiving the bones and organ meats when I purchase a quarter or half beef cattle - it may raise the price a bit depending on the rancher's pricing structure - as some count on making a bit on these as most people never ask for them.

*Real food* is likely going to go further underground as the PTB slowly pull the noose around them and make it nearly financially impossible to provide them with the expensive *taxes* they impose on *real* food operations, with things such as *certifications* and such... so if you cannot source * certified organic*, just know that and do the best you can.

GMO and clone contamination (of all foods animal or plant) is increasing every year...

I would suggest that anyone who can... grow and raise your own as best as possible, and then find local, sources for as much of their remaining needs as they can.

*God* or Gaia if you prefer... provided all *naturally* habitable geographic locations with all of that which is needed for both *food* and *medicine*, which is your food when understood.

As an aside... if *we* do not support the local, *honest* people providing *real* foods to us - we will lose access to these foods real quick. I suspect the next few years will be critical in this area.

I would hate to become dependent on a grocery store... real food sourcing of what we do not raise or grow ourselves is a crap shoot already.




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