Was doing some research recently on Food & Depression and came across a neat site called foodforthebrain.org, that had some online quizzes, which I took.
Here's how results came out ... VERY interesting!!! I red bold faced the ones that came out HIGH!
This questionnaire analyses your symptoms, diet and lifestyle factors to assess the possibility or probability that you have a biochemical or nutritional imbalance that may be contributing to your mental health. It is not a diagnostic questionnaire, however it can help you identify aspects of nutrition that may be worth your while exploring with your doctor, psychiatrist or nutritional therapist.
Your results
Blood Sugar Imbalance54%
Allergies 42%
Underactive Thyroid58%
Need for B Vitamins52%
Need for Essential Fats 24%
Heavy Metal Toxicity50%
Pyroluria* 24%
High Histamine 27%
Low Serotonin57%
Adrenal Excess 51% [Not sure what this is?]
Adrenal Exhaustion67%
Low Acetylcholine 42%
Detox Overload 27%
Stimulant Dependence 18%
High Homocysteine 69%
The site gave a more detailed analysis of the results and suggestions to improve them, too.