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Re: Something So Strong
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Re: Something So Strong

>>Sure, the Doctrine clears a lot out physically, but what people don't think about very often is the Mind Control that is being dealt with. Of course it doesn't happen instantly though, it's been taking me awhile.<<

You can say that again. I mentioned before but about the first week ran Posterior Pineal and doctrine I was out of matrix. The most crazy things happened before that time though but that's for another story, lol.

Anyhow, maybe my time with Pranic healing might have had something to do with it. They talk about this a bit and I've known these inter dimensional bugs are true. They call them negative thought forms and also what they call negative elementals. They essentially cling to you and can also cling to you if negative... like attracts like. Can help flush them out with some of their exercises which does help IME.

Don't know why I'm saying this but thought it might help someone.



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