I am about to perform my third flush this weekend. I can't wait! But I must say that since I began flushing, I have become extremely fatigued in the mornings when trying to get out of bed. I just can't seem to get my body moving, and I'm pretty tired throughout the day. I have to drink caffeine just to keep going sometimes. Now, the day of and immediately after my flushes, I had a level of energy that I didn't know I posessed! I had a TON of energy. I was bouncing off the walls, in fact! It was fantastic! I can't remember feeling that good in many years. But as the days passed, I became more and more fatigued. This happened after both my first and second flush, although my symptoms were much worse after my first. Does anybody have any experience with this? I'm hoping that more flushes will allow me to get my energy level back. I keep thinking that by flushing I've "opened a can of worms", as it were, and have begun the massive release of so many years' toxins, etc., and that I must simply go through the process until I'm clear of stones. Could that be the case? I'm normally an extremely active, energetic person. Can't wait to get my old self back! Ha! Thank you for your advice.