Kidneys - IBS - Diarrhea - Inflammatory Bowel Disease - Condtion IMPROVED GREATLY
Hi - I just wanted to share something that I found by accident. I have Kidney Failure - and in searching for a remedy for my condition - I found something that Also has improved my IBS condition.
About one month ago - on recommendation from a friend - I began to take 1 Capsule of Raw Multiple Glandulars - in the morning and 1 more Capsule in the evening also. The Glandulars are by the brand called Natural Source. I also take a B-Compex vitamin, L-Carnosine, Lutein, vitamin E, etc. along with the Multiple Glandulars.
As I have inproved - I have cut that back to Only 1 Capsule in the morning - along with the other supplements I take. (B-Compex vitamin, L-Carnosine, Lutein, vitamin E, etc.)
Amazingly - Not Only has my Kidney Function Improved - but also my constant battle with IBS, Diarrhea, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease has Greatly Diminished!
I wanted to share this with everyone - because I know I prayed for something Natural to help alleviate my sypmtoms - and after only One Month - I am seeing a Great Improvement over everything else I have ever tried.
I hope you will give it a try - I know I was desperate with my conditions - Kidney Failure, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and IBS. And I feel taking these Glandulars has been an answer to many prayers on my part.
God bless!