I've been reading a fair bit about holistic dentistry and never though it applied me cos I have no fillings. I do however, have a fixed retainer wire that has been there for 19 years which is most probably made of a nickel alloy.
I had a hair mineral analysis done in 2008 and nickel was not at toxic levels. My concern is that a nickel sensitivity is depressing my immune system against the infection. I can't wear certain earrings and sometimes get a type of hand eczema called pompholyx which is often linked to nickel sensitivity.
I've found a fair bit of research linking orthodontic wires to symptoms in the nickel sensitive but not to intestinal/vaginal yeast specifically. Apparently people with braces also have higher count of candida in their mouth. If any one has any input on this (ie have had improvement after removal of nickel or can add to my literature review) i would appreciate it. I need to convince an orthodontist to remove the wire.