Thank you Beth!! Yes, I have been following an ARL protocol for 7 months now. Very slow process (as is any as we all know). The practitioner that I am using is Alex Tuggle...his name has been floating around here lately. One of these days I may be the name floating around here as I am currently an out-of commission Acupuncture and Integrative medicine student and I will soon be starting training to learn the in's and out's as far as Hair Mineral Analysis goes. Don't we all want to be treated and supported by someone who has been through it? I'm pretty sure this is my initiation into becoming a great practitioner so until I become well, I stay on the "patient" side and have kept pretty quiet on this forum (mostly because I hate typing and I don't have the energy) and just how ironic is it that we require SO MUCH PATIENCE!!!!!!
Back to the urine color, thank you BBQ, that is the answer I was hoping for, in regards to sodium retention. Of course now I cant wait to see my sodium levels on my next hair analysis...7 weeks away or so. Over the last 6 months, my sodium level has doubled, how ever they are still very low. (I LIVE for getting my results back every 3 months!!!)