Glory to The New Born King!
"Hark The Herald Angel Sing!"
"Glory to The New Born King!"
Isaiah 9:6
'For unto us a child is born, Unto us' a Son is given!
And His Name' shall be called,
'Wonderful Counsellor', 'Mighty God', 'Everlasting Father',
'Prince of Peace!'
Luke 2:10-11
And the Angel said unto them, 'Fear not; for behold , I bring you Good Tidings of Great Joy',
'Which shall be to All People!'
'For unto you is born this day,
A Saviour, which is Christ the Lord!'
Luke 1:32
'He shall be Great, And He shall be called The Son of the Highest!'
Isaiah 7:14
'Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son',
And His Name shall be called 'IMMANUEL',
Which means, GOD IS WITH US!'
'Hail Mary, Full of Grace!'
Luke 1:42
'Blessed art Thou Among Women',
'And Blessed is Thy Fruit of Thy Womb!'
Psalm 117
O' Praise the Lord; All ye Nations!
'Praise Him, All ye people!'
'For Thy merciful kindness, is great towards us',
'And the Truth of the Lord, endureth forever'!
'Blessed are the poor in spirit' , for theirs is the kindom of Heaven!'
'Blessed are the pure in heart', for they shall see God! ' Math 5:3,8
Blessings In Christ Jesus', who is 'Sovereign King and Saviour to All Mankind!, And Peace and Joy' to All' this Christmas!