Believe me I know where you are coming from this bo has in a sense almost ruined my life. I sure do hope the person we have not heard from since their last posting is ok. I know how hard this bo can be but suicide is never the answer. I do get depressed about this bo sometimes I'm very depressed like when does the bo end and when can I live a normal life again but I put it in God's hands and I know he will help me get through this. He has given me emotional strength I don't think I could deal with this issue on my own. My bo smells like strong urine I have been treated like crap by even people who were suppose to be family and love me like one of my cousins who I use to be really cool with lived with us for a while and this guy who is suppose to be blood him and his girl who I hate to say but I almost could say I hate the broad she was such a Bitch forgive my lingo but if you met her you would know what I mean well anyways her and him would constantly talk behind my back and laugh at me.I know I need to forgive her and him though that's only the right thing to do. Then one day his mom who is suppose to be my aunt decides she is going to sell the house to her son and his broad I was pissed like we help your ungrateful son who only paid rent once and it was only $100. Anyhow on the day we are moving stuff into the uhaul and moving to another house him and his girl are all laughing in the next room thinking I could not hear them and that made my blood boil. So then I tell him off by email and he tells me first off I didn't need to pay rent becuase I was basically never there becuase it stunk all the time like he was better then me and I told him if you didn't like the way it was you should have moved out a long time ago and he was lying he was there alot. So see I know how it is. I agree people are cold and cruel and treat us who have bo issue very badly I mean when I go out people treat me like I am a thing and I agree it is very hard to ignore the rude comments and dirty looks it almost takes some of the pride you have away, but those idiots are not gonna get me down like that I know I"m someone in God's eyes and I still have people who love and care about me in my life. I always count my Blessings when I'm feeling down. I may smell but that person talking crap may have a worse life then me and may be bitter and mad at the world and that is the reason they are finding something negative to say about someone else. Besides this bo I am pretty much a content person but I know what you mean. This forum helps me alot emotionally becuase it is a reminder I'm not alone in this bo battle. You just need to look at your whole life and count the Blessings you do have believe me there are people that have it way worse then you. You need to pray to God to give you the emotional strength to deal with this issue. Just remember whenever you hear some idiot making a rude commment or giving you a dirty look that they may not have a bo issue but they have problems too in different areas nobodys' life is perfect and that's a fact. I hope things get better for you and I hope you have a Blessed Christmas:)