Re: Oral Magnesium Chloride For Skin Infections And Abscesses?
I've applied Mg Chloride "Oil" to skin infections (boils, etc) with good results. They heal faster and don't seem to get as large if you apply it immediately and consistently.
I have a sneaking suspicion (and I'm no medical scholar, so take this for whatever it's worth) that Mg deficiency makes people more apt to get staph infections. My suspicions were (somewhat) confirmed when I read that the reason for TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) from tampons in the 70's was because the material the tampons were made from absorbed all of the Mg out of the female organs and therefore left it rife for staph (which is what TSS really is).
If Magnesium assists in helping a body not develop staph in the first place, and if Magnesium deficiency causes an environment where staph can happily settle in, and if it's true that 90% of the US population are deficient in Mg, it would explain why MRSA and other staph infections are becoming such an issue.
But again, this is just a hypothesis of mine.
Out of curiosity, what brought you to this idea of putting Mg Chloride on skin infections?