Just completed 8th flush, curious...
I completed my 8th flush this weekend, and am pleased with the results, but am also a little confused.
Since my 5th flush I have been using Magnesium Malate as a supplement, between flushes. Both my 6th and 7th flushes were all but chaff-less. And my stones have gotten paler in color so that most are beige or tan with only hints of green.
After my last flush, I was having trouble getting solid stools again, so I dropped my magnesium. This flush, I had much more chaff than in my previous 2. I'm guessing that this is due to the lack of malic acid from the Mg malate tablets.
The big difference that I am seeing in these most recent flushes is the stones themselves. The stones have been paler in color than in the beginning. This time I broke up several of them, and they were not green inside, but the same color inside out, a beige/tan color. The stones this flush were consistently larger than my last flush, and some looked like many smaller stones stuck together.
Are these stones typical, and what type of stones are not green inside?
I can say that it seems that my bile ducts are clearer after this flush, as my stool color has darkened much faster this time than in previous flushes.