Re: Does anybody here NOT do colonics or enemas before or after flushing?
i've done them after, every time, but never before. doing 2
colonics in 3 days just felt like too much! the 'after'
colonic seemed like the more important of the 2.
i've watched and read lots of notes over the months.... there have been a few people that reported getting worse over time instead of better, doing liver flushes. one case in particular involved a man with m.s. who did
Liver Flushing for a year and he got way worse. he hadn't done any colonics. from what andreas says, people with m.s. have bowel issues to begin with. so.. people who have any predisposition to bowel problems; ibs, feelings of powerlessnes, would benefit more getting colonics, ie., would hurt more if they didn't do them. i personally have always believed andreas's recommendation that flushes only be done if
colonics are also being done. so, i never wanted to avoid the colonics.
here's a link to some of the prior notes i kept track of regarding this.