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Re: MEMBERS Duties

Your not getting it spudlydoo. Wombat says it pretty clearly and politely. Others politely. Me not politely. There is something seriously obsessive that makes your crusade crazy. Why the hell are you beyond obsessive about this? Are you married to the owner? A family member have a stake in Cure Zone. Are you the owner? Do you own shares in Cure Zone? What is your personal connection to Cure Zone? Because if this is not a personal connection, you crazy. Someone really needs to help you get a grip because this is crazy zone. Are just one of those who takes on crusades no matter what. Dont listen to me but listen to what others are telling you. Get a grip. Just a guess but are you a type that always has to have the last word in anything? Is that what this is about. There really has to be some character flaw that causes this obsession because thats what it is. It has gone well beyond an irrational obsession. And as someone else said earlier every time you come back for more you make your case worse. Believe me when I say it is well beyond worse. It is crazy town. Get a grip. And as Wombat said which most would probably agree you might get better results if you changed your methods like leading by example. Instead of waving your stick and in your words WHINING about things. People who get labeled whiners get that label for a reason. Wombat was recommending a change of methods and I would bet most people understand what she is saying. Except for you who will just argue her points even if they are true. Seriously get a grip.


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