Re: Can you believe this!??!
I think that it is always healthy to remain skeptical whether you deal with traditional medical doctors or natural doctors. At the same time, it is important to remain open minded. Rather than get caught up in the controversy, I decided to give
Liver Flushing a twirl and see for myself how it would make me feel. Whenever, someone tells me anything on any subject, I do a thorough search on the Internet to see what others are saying and to assess whether I want to try/buy something. This is the best advice I can give anyone.
As for naturopaths, I have more confidence in those who do Live blood analysis. I like to visually be able to see positive changes in my blood chemistry to gauge whether something works or not. Plus, it motivates me to continue doing positive things if I can actually see as opposed to only feel the changes. There are some honest live blood analysists out there, no doubt as there are many dishonest blood analyists. I was fortunate to meet one recommended by a coworker. Although there was nothing wrong with my 79 year old mother, I purposely took her with me and had her undergo a the live blood analysis. I was convinced that this blood analysist was nothing but a scammer and I would bait him my taking my healthy mother to him. I was sure that he we take advantage of my mom, due to her elderly status and use it as an opportunity to make up stuff about how unhealthy she was and the many expensive supplements she would have to purchase from him to get well. Surprisingly, he told my mother that there was absolutely nothing that he could see in her blood that would indicate there was anything wrong with her. On the other hand, based on my blood analysis, he told me that I had blood
Sugar balance issues, poor digestion of fats and proteins, and an extremely stressed liver with ducts that were likely plugged. To address the issue, he never tried to sell me a ton of supplements or try to convince me that I was a walking dead man if I did not return and do as he told me. Instead, he suggested a liver cleanse tea and digestive enzymes that he said I could purchase from any health food store. He also gave me a complete breakdown of the analysis, identifying the problem(s) and the solutions. He never at anytime even insisted that I should get my blood reanalyzed. He left that upto me.
What's my point? Trust your own body, do your own research, and get a second opinion from a reputable source.
Best wishes.