Looking for testimonies...
I have been looking for testimonies of people who have cured an intestinal fungal overgrowth. The sad true is I don't find these kind of testimonies in the web and forums. You will find the words of those who sell products and the false claims they can do all what we need. When I mean cured, I mean people that don't need to think in candida anymore and can eat what they want. If you have controled your symptoms taking supplements and following a diet but you can not eat openly, you aren't cured. I have seen some trusted places claiming people get cured but where are them?? How they did it ?? An intestinal fungal overgrowth is the mutation of the seed form of candida to become fungal and pathogenic under some determined gut conditions. When this happen, it is almost impossible to eliminate that invasive fungal form of candida and to recover the normal intestinal enviroment. Yes, people get better after long treatments and many sacrifices but one time they stop the severe diet or the supplements, the fungus start growing again. We really need a way to eliminate this fungal form of candida and recover the conditions we had in the intestines before this nightmare.
Another thing is, during 1970 and 1980, there were a group of MDs who wrote books about this syndrome. They tried to prove this situation is real and serious but were blocked by some of the skeptical Drs who didn't have any information about this syndrome. Those MDs who discredited this syndrome are responsible for the hundreds and hundreds of sick people with it. Since that time, Dr. Truss, Crook, Trowbridge, etc, knew the
Antibiotics were the biggest cause of this. They also knew the medical field didn't have the effective antifungals to correct the problem. It is 2010 and close to 11, and still there are people taking long
Antibiotic rounds for any simple flu. I see it as a crime and a high medical negligence. Still the
Antibiotic boxes don't have a warning about it. The sad part is no the damage they cause but there isn't anybody between the earth and sky who knows how to correct it yet. Ironicly, now, that are more people sick than ever, there aren't a group of Mds trying to demostrate and solve it like those who did it during the 80s. All Candida books that were written are really old.