Re: Assange says Pentagon plans prosecution.
I guess people are entitled to their own view, and with all the nervous politicians and corporate bigwigs, calling for Assange's head on a plate, it can get pretty confusing for some people.
I think its another case of follow the money. WikiLeaks only hurts those with something to hide, such as governments and corporations, who are doing the wrong thing. The most damaging revelations about corruption, torture and greed, have so far, been directed at governments, and in particular the US government. Its no wonder that they are screaming for WikiLeaks to be shut down, and Julian Assange to be put on trial.
I used to think that people were over reacting about the US government, trying to shut down the right of people to have free speech, freedom of information and even freedom of movement, now, I don't believe it's and over reaction at all. This is happening.