Hi my name is Mary Digiovanni and i have been diagnosied with scleroderma and sjogern's syndrome.. I have always had problems with my skin and its been getting progressivly worse.. I have been to so namy doctors and have been on so many medications to help with the relief of my symptoms.. I want to share this is all scleroderma sufferers.. Good Skin care makes all the difference in the world.. believe me! These three things helped me so much and i would love to help people who are going through the same as me. Nutrition, Exercise and Skin care.. As a scleroderma patient i know the importance of not being about to put anything But all natural products on my skin or it would be incredibly painful.. I have found that product.. Please email me at mlm122010@yahoo.com or call me at 813-677-6729 so we can talk about the possibility of changing the way you live your day to day life! Thank u and i wish you all nothing but good health