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Image Embedded Re: Eye muscle twitching, spasming - Totally Needle-free Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure For Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking
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Re: Eye muscle twitching, spasming - Totally Needle-free Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure For Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid Twitching / Eye Blinking

The muscle in my lower left eye has been twitching for the past four hours, without stopping. I've tried poking and jabbing at it but I think there's something wrong with it. This is unbelievably irritating. Does anybody know what is wrong with my eye or how I can stop this behavior?

As a matter of fact, I have come across a similar annoying eye twitching and spasm problem like yours about 8 years ago due to the adverse neurological / neuromuscular side effects of certain medications. I have tried and exhausted every single possible formal medical services and resources to deal with my problem but all of them do not work out anything positive for me at all until I have get this eye twitching & spasm problem fully cured once and for all about 6 years ago through an acupuncture / acupressure treatment which is totally needle-free and fully self-administered due to my strong repellent for such formal needle-piercing therapy of acupuncture and the extreme sensitivity of my skin to needles.

Included below is a totally needle-free acupuncture / acupressure cure  for Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking.


In this regard, I hope that  this suggested self-administered, totally needle-free, totally free-of-charge, painless, harmless, simple acupuncture / acupressure technique / method which involves mild and persistent pressing the "He Gu" acupoint located at the back of one's right palm [which is 1.5 cm (applicable to the average grown adults only) measured vertically from the point of intersection (that would appear visibly when the fingers are closed loosely together) between the thumb and the forefinger.(Kindly take note that this point is located at a much 'fleshy' instead of a much 'boney' area] with any long blunt-pointed objects such as a normal writing pen which is out-of-ink - to produce the necessary acupressure for the healings whilst not to get the particular mildly pressed acupoint dirtily inked (Please refer to the diagram attached below for that "He Gu" acupoint) meant for genuinely effective cure of Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking disorder which in turn have totally cured countless of people troubled by chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking problems for a number of years on an ongoing basis, especially for the chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking normally caused by :

# Stress
# Tiredness
# Eyestrain
# Caffeine
# Alcohol
# Dry eyes
# Nutritional imbalances
# Allergies

and the ones unusually and abnormally caused by the neurological / neurosmuscular disorders of :

# Tardive Dyskinesia (rapid involuntary uncontrollable eye blinking / eye twitching), which in most cases are caused by the neuromuscular / neurological side effects of certain powerful mind-altering medications and other neurological complications. Whilst the underlying mechanism of such a disease is such that the normal functionings of the neurotransmitters chemical dopamine which co-ordinates the miscellaneous human body movements in this case are disturbed, antagonized and disrupted in this case resulting in one's loss of control of human body movements, and in this case, one's eye / eyelids organ,

will be relevant and useful to the ones desperately needing an once-and-for-all cure and recovery for their  Blepharospasm / chronic eyelid twitching / eye blinking problem and disorder.

Image of The "He Gu" AcuPoint Mentioned Above :

Related Information : (A New Version For The Suggested Self-administered Totally Needle-free, Totally Free-Of-Charge, Simple, Painless, Harmless Acupuncture / Acupressure Cure / Technique For Non-stop Persistent Rapid Eyelid-twitching / Eye-blinking) (Acclaimed Efficacies of The Suggested Self-administered, Needle-free, Free-of-charge Acupuncture Method and Appealed Humanitarian Causes For The Numerous Poor And Needy Others) (Another Recent Online Third-party Testimonial About The Acclaimed Efficacies of The Suggested Self-administered, Totally Needle-free, Totally Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless, Simple Acupuncture / Acupressure Method & Appealed Humanitarian Causes For The Numerous Poor And Needy Others) (Another Online Positive Feedback / Comment About My Suggested Self-administered, Totally Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless & Needle-free Acupuncture Method / Technique And The Full Details of Such A Self-administered, Needle-free, Free-of-charge, Painless, Harmless Acupuncture / Acupressure Method / Technique)  (Medical Findings About The Effectiveness of Medical Acupuncture For Highly Substantial & Effective Cure of Blepharospasm / Chronic Eyelid twitching / Eye blinking)



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