My mom tells me all the time that I am way too sensitive and she is right. I think people are talking about me all the time. Even though I knew alot of them are, it isn't the case all the time. When I hear people make certain sounds or whispers I automatically go into to panic mode. I found out in situations like yours that I was just being paranoid because I have been through so much. I think thats what you are going through now. One time I had my window open and I was sitting right by the window in my apartment. Some neighbors were standing outside on the porch talking which is right by my window. All of a sudden I heard one of them go "EWWW WHAT IS THAT". I went into panic mode thinking it was me. I didn't stay to listen to the whole conversation because I just knew they smelled my bo through the window. Later on that day a maintenace man came because it was a dead bird directly outside my window. It had nothing to do with me. Don't beat yourself up over it because it only makes it worst.