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Re: Master Cleanse/Day 3
pepe Views: 1,410
Published: 15 y
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Re: Master Cleanse/Day 3

There are many variables. The question that was important that you didn't answer was how regular were you before the MC? Were you having 1 or more poops daily pre MC? If not this certainly affects what happens on the MC. You also didn't answer how many lemonades per day you're doing and if you are drinking water in addition. Are you following the book recipe? If you were regular before then the most common cause of lack of bowel movements is dehydration and the body trying to retain all fluids. Through the experiences of many the cayenne also helps with elimination so if you are not using it or cutting back a lot that woud contribute.

In combination with many of the above factors passing anything solid past day 3+/- is a good indication of a congested colon. If you are dehydrated the SWF might not work either. If must be done 1st thing in the morning on an empty system. As a precaution to help if you might be dehydrated one shoud drink at least 16 oz of plain water 1/2 hr before doing the SWF. If by 1 hr after doing the SWF you haven't passed anything then you should down a quart of plain water to help dilute some of the salt from the SWF in addition to helping  helping with a bowel movement

The MC or any other form of fasting have NEVER been weightloss diets. Common sense alone will tell you that you are not going to loose 12lb of "fat" in 6 days. That will mostly be water weight and emptiyng of the system. Read the link below from the FAQs for some insight on how the MC works and what role it plays as >part< of a comprehensive weight loss program.



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