is this tmj ???
Hello all.
Primary concern is my tinnitus which is bilaterial and really quite loud. Stops me from sleeping a lot of the time. Any other symptoms I can take on the chin but this really gets to me. Along with this i sufffer from the inability to 'pop' my ears(constant, can not equalise the pressure), head aches/pressure, bruxism and a tense jaw. I also suffer from anxiety and notice when i am particiularly anxious my jaw tension worsens, coherently with the tinnitus, ear fullness etc
i also find it difficult to concentrate and get visual disturbances. (hard to describe - blotchy, 'shadowy' vision & pretty bad light sensitivity. Don't know if this could be related to my jaw at all? This is also constant. Also When I grind my teeth hard I can maniupulate he sound of my tinnitus, my ears also 'click' whenever I open my mouth or swallow & the right side of my jaw clicks whenever i move my jaw to the right?
Finally, I have 'forward head posture' which gives me quite a bit of neck pain. Any links with TMJ?
Cheers all!