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Re: Big Liver Flush
unyquity Views: 1,015
Published: 14 y
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Re: Big Liver Flush

You're "good to go" with a big liver flush, as long as you're able to ensure that you can get everything out the next day. The day after a big flush I suggest going to the bathroom as usual when you first wake up (make sure to use a colander to capture anything that comes out), and then do a Coffee-Enema in the morning after your first bm.

Then, later in the afternoon/evening, do another Coffee-Enema to ensure that you've gotten out all the debris that was released.

The CE's not only assist in removing the debris from the intestines/colon, but also 'clearing the ductwork' of the liver and gallbladder. Many times during a flush there's quite a bit of sludge and stones that are 'moved forward' and/or into a new location; it's a good idea to do that extra CE, because if it's on the verge of coming out the Coffee-Enema will help it along :)

'First liver flushes' are scary for some people (I was terrified...and starved about 2 hours after I drank the oil/citrus - so I had fried egg sandwich, lol). It helps a LOT to remember that there's MANY times in our lives we've ingested 1/4 cup (or more) of oil (particularly as salad dressings and things like sour cream). All we're doing is ingesting a lot of oil that makes a lot of bile flow through our liver/gallbladder, and then making sure we get everything that 'flushed out' out. :)

You've done good colon cleansing, have your CE's "down pat", and you've done a strong 5 day cleanse. I'd say that's more than 90-95% of the people on the Liver Flush Forum ever do before they flush the first time!

Flush ON! :)



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