How convenient? USG by way of Congress and Obama admin already have a bill lined up to prevent the " leaking of confidential information". Hey, if I _________somebody I would probably want to keep the details confidential. Feel free to fill in the blank with the crime of choice. Based on USG's history, ______ most often means murdered, extorted, blackmailed or otherwise silenced.
Does this mean I have recourse against somebody who "leaks" info about the murder I commited?
This reaks of post 911 when & where USG had hundreds of pages of Patriot Act legislation prepared and approved within less than 2 months. Come on folks ! Many people are aware that regardless of the party in power Congress can hardly find it's own a$$ with its hands and a floodlight in less than 2 months....yet some how they have the staff and wherewithal to crank out reams of oppressive legislatoin within weeks of some alleged mass crime..... ?