Day 20--gunk still coming out of my trunk!!
I can't imagine that I have gone 20 days without food and only water. My intent today is to encourage those who are going through the "worst" of it.
Fasting is so very hard.. but, you do get to the point (where I am) that the detox is over and that food means nothing to you. Don't get me wrong... I miss eating. But, food, today, scares me because of the hold it had on me.
People still don't notice that I have dropped weight. I wasn't that big in the first place so it amazes me that no one notices. No one even notices that I am not eating. That absolutely amazes me. I have told absolutely NO one but on these threads. I have learned so much. I thank God for this link.
Its hard to believe that I am still pooping crud. I didn't do any enema's knowing that nature would take care of it. And, it still is.
I was going to stop at 21 days, but, I think that I will go to 30. I have to grasp the concept that I NOW control food instead of the other way around. I am extremely afraid (respect=afraid) of the things that I was putting inside my body that brought me to this in the first place.
Got nothing more to say..... I thank you all for being there for me.
I remain,
ps//// don't talk yourself out of stopping too soon because "its just too hard." If I endured, so can YOU!!