Re: What is Toxic Junk?
i think toxic junk is -
the obvious sh** that municipalities put in water
the obvious chemicals that food companies put in their food or anything else that touches your body (health care products)
the obvious chemicals in the air (car exhaust)
the obvious ones are bad for everyone
the non obvious ones are things that are just bad for a particular person, they aren't toxic by their nature for everyone. this would include eating food that goes against your body type (kapha, pitta, dosha in ayuvarda), or eating food against your blood type (if you follow the
Blood Type Diet ). and what i've found with the pre-fab diets like ayuvarda or blood type is that there's room for individuality there.
you raised a good point with the emotional basis of stones- i think the way it works is that emotions can affect the way that the body interprets the foods it eats - ie., would create allergies. but i don't think the emotions create stones directly - i think they act on the way that the body perceives the physical world including what it eats. i would say that more than emotions are involved here too, its also patterns that the person has taken on during this life, or in other lives. habitual patterns of perception can keep certain emotions locked in place. break the pattern and any stone creation which has at its basis emotions would alter.