Any suggestions would be much appreciated. While I am waiting for my list to arrive I am ozonating my water, ozonating the rooms with ozone generator and also using food grade H202 (even on my 18 year old kitty with kidney disease and since putting the food grade H202 into her water bowls every day, she is hanging in there much better than before.)
Kidney disease is common in cats. It is most often from a low protein, alkaline diet. Alkalinity is a disaster for a cat's kidneys. Make sure to maintain a high protein diet with meats or even herbs such as spirulina (90% protein) and chlorella (60% protein). Increasing your cat's vitamin C and silica intake will also help with strengthening the blood vessels and tubules in the kidneys. Nettle leaf is a great source of both as well as protein, and is one of the best kidney herbs available. It is alkalinizing though so use it in small amounts throughout the day and again with high protein sources or even with a little malic acid, which is also great for the kidneys preventing kidney stones.