How to Get Rid of Moles Naturally
How to Get Rid of Moles Naturally
Moles are small black or brown colored spots on the skin which are the result of some skin defects. One out of hundred is born with a mole and few may develop it in course of time. Most types of moles are not harmful but certain kinds are; and they may have dangerous consequences. By some, moles are considered as beauty spots but for some they are irritating and ugly. Hence people try to get rid of moles by using various methods. There are many medical and natural methods to get rid of moles. Medical treatments include surgeries for this purpose but they usually leave scars on the skin. Hence people wonder about how to get rid of moles naturally. There are many methods which can get you rid of skin moles but the safest and the cheapest are the natural ones. Here we give you some of those.
Natural Ways to Get Rid of Moles
Moles sometimes add to your beauty, at other times, they appear ugly, especially when they are on the face. Hence how to get rid of moles on your face, is a very serious concern for many. Following are some of the natural or home remedies for moles and warts which can get you rid of moles and warts that seem to eclipse your beauty. Keep reading for an answer to how to get rid of moles naturally.
- Take an onion and cut a small slice of it. Extract its juice either with the help of a processor or a mixer. Put 2-3 drops of the onion juice on the mole. Repeat this daily for at least 3 weeks. You will observe that the mole diminishes gradually.
- You can use sour apple to get rid of moles. Just cut a slice, extract its juice and apply it on the mole daily till the mole diminishes.
- Cauliflower can also be used to get rid of moles. Cut a small slice of cauliflower and then cut it into smaller pieces. Now extract its juice with the help of a processor. Apply the juice daily till the skin peels out with the mole naturally.
- Coriander can be a good way of getting rid of moles. Take coriander and grind it. Make a paste of it and apply on the moles daily for 2-3 weeks. More on mole removal at home.
- Take 2-3 small pieces of ginger. Grind it and make a paste out of it. Put this paste on the mole and tie a bandage over it. Leave the bandage overnight. Repeat this method for a few days till the mole disappears. This can help you get rid of all types of moles.
- Take two to three pinch baking soda in a bowl and add a few drops of castor oil to it. Make a paste. Apply the paste daily on the moles till they become light and gradually disappear. This is one of the best answers to how to get rid of moles naturally.
- Drum stick can also help in getting rid of moles. Take a small piece of drum stick pod and grind it. Now add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Prepare a paste and apply it on the moles daily till they disappear.
- Mix flaxseed oil with a small amount of honey. Apply this mixture on moles daily to get your moles removed.
- Wash your mole with hot water. After it dries, apply apple cider vinegar with a cotton swab and leave it for 10 minutes. Now wash it off with cold water. Repeat this daily till the mole diminishes.
- Take a few fresh dandelions roots and clean them. Rub on the moles till a milky white substance come out of their roots. Repeat it 2-3 times in a day till the mole disappears. It is one of the best home remedies for removing skin moles.
- You can also use grapefruit extract to get rid of moles. Apply grapefruit extract on the moles and cover it with a bandage. Leave it overnight. Repeat it for few days and see the results.
- Tea tree oil can also be very useful in getting rid of moles. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil on the mole 2-3 times a day. Continue till the mole disappears.
- Apart from all these methods there are some other ways like rubbing a fresh pineapple piece, pomegranate juice or fig stem juice that help remove moles. These will not only help in getting rid of moles but will also help in making your face clean and supple.
I hope this article was informative and has helped you to solve your problem of how to get rid of moles naturally. You can also check out 'how to get rid of moles on your body' for more information on this. It's always advisable to go for natural methods of getting rid of moles instead of going for expensive surgeries.
By Niharika Arya