Infiltration vs A Good Idea
Like any good idea, often infiltration occurs to gate keep special interests. This has been true of many good orgs that start out with good intentions. Green Peace and many other orgs has been infiltrated by intel of the PTB effectively taking away their teeth.
That said, many sustainability groups are falling prey to inside infiltration as well. Now that doesn't mean that the idea of sustainability is bad. In fact if we do not begin thinking on these terms, we will poison ourselves off this planet and take many organisms with us. The key is to be aware enough to separate out the influences by special interests and go forward using common sense.
Doing nothing is a sure fire way to succumb to the death of this planet. BTW I am NOT a proponent of population control as I think this is a side issue. If we use proper practices we have enough resources to empower our current population base and more. The key thing though is to realize that with good education throughout the world population will remain in balance anyway.
We really need to look at the toxic imprint we are inducing on this planet and take meaningful steps to change it. That is paramount. If we do that much of the other stuff will take care of itself. Consumerism with no regard to health and environment is a sure fire way to ill health and death.