Re: losing weight too fast?
No need to worry too much. You have to take in consideration that 7 to 8
pounds of that is what was in your intestines and excess water that was in your body.
When you start eating solid food again, expect to at least gain about 7 pounds, as your digestive system fills up and starts processing food again.
The fat burning process really doesn't start until about the 4th day, then the true weight loss with begin.
It is known that the more out of shape you are i.e. flabby fat, etc, you will lose weight quickly at first and it will taper off as you fast longer. Also
Water Fasting causes you to lose it faster then Juice fasting. The Key point is once breaking the fast, that you show restain and will power to eat small proportioned meals, and slowly chew your food very well to prevent yourself from gaining all that weight you had lost once you do break you fast.
PLEASE NOTE: Keep this in mind. If you had the will power to water fast, then you have the will power to control what you eat and how you eat. The after care after a
Water Fast is the most important as it separates you from the people that just pile on the
pounds again and those who do not. Your metabolism will be very slow after you break your fast, so what you eat and how you DOES matter. You metabolism will be very slow for at least 6 weeks after your fast, regardless how long you fasted, so if you eat alot, your body can't burn it as fast, as it did before your fast.