Some thought on energy modalities
To tell you the truth I have tried most methods of energy work ranging from Donna Eden to Richard Bartlett's Matrix Energetics and a ton in between.
After spending years experiencing many modalities I have come to the conclusion that what ever you make up will work best. Shamans of the past knew this and were able to customize their approach based on the world view of the recipient of their healing. That is because it will be an extension of your on inner metaphorical construct.
Now that doesn't mean these wont be of use.
I will say that the old paradigms of "running energy are limited and weak because they utilize a linear construct. Whereas a set of modalities as in Matrix Energetics is much more lateral and thus "shamanic" in its scope.
If I was to pick one canned modality it would be Matrix Energetics.
I use modified variations of matrix and lots of other things depending what I am trying to achieve. The most powerful reality editing tool for me though is simply bonding intent to theta state. I quiet the chatter, do some breathing, hold intention and that works very well. Simple and effective.
Ho'oponopono works well in personal dynamics.
The American Monk has a collection of many modalities that can be useful. His name is Burt Goldman.
If you want to experiment more with the running energy approach there are some good Hawaiian. shamanic methods that are quite effective such as the Pia pica method.
Intent, clarity, emotional tone all relative to brain state (wave) all go towards a strong circuit for reality editing such as healing work.
Good luck