Re: too late for me..treat candida immediatly dont mess around
Hi there,
I just got my father back to life after having a shoking systemic Candida that took him near to dead. My father is already 86 years old with diabetis, however very well controlled with pills. He had all the symptoms you described on stage 4. I took him to the hospital and on top of that he had the
Sugar level up to 700 mg/dl, so basically what they did was to level him up to 350 mg/dl
Sugar level and they started to treat him with insulin and
Antibiotic for no reason . They did multiple blood test and urine test but couldn't find any bactiria however they insisted to give him antibiotic. He stayed on hospital for 3 days but there was no to little improvment, my father started to act weird, he turned violent towards the nurses and doctors so they started to give him tranquilizers, he was not able to talk nothing properly, he started to bruce and vomit continuasly and the doctors had no clue on what was causing the unbalance with his
Sugar as they said there was an infection but there was no trace of it on the exam. After I realized that the doctors had no single clue on the source of the problem and that they only wanted to put
Antibiotic and tried different medications on him, almost considering him as dementhia, I decided to take him out of the hospital under my own responsability, I actually had to sign out a responsability letter in which stated that if my father died it was my responsability, I took that decision and decided to take him out of the hospital. Right after I started to give him Fungal defence for 2 days 1/2 caplet 3 times per day but it made him to vomit, so I decided to swap him to something milder such as Wild oregano. Right after sugar level started to come down and after 5 days the sugar is now on 145 mg/dl and still coming down. Right now I have him on anti-candida diet, he is getting stronger, eating better, already walking and in general filling better. Also giving 3 times per day probiotics. Bottom line alopathic medicine doesn't know how to recognize Systemic candida and they always want to push
Antibiotic making things worst. thanks my deep investigation and already more that 8 years investigation that I was able to same my father life.