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Re: Theory on Why Illuminati Wants 911 Truth to Come Out Now
turiya Views: 1,258
Published: 15 y
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Re: Theory on Why Illuminati Wants 911 Truth to Come Out Now

Interesting... that this guy used to work for infowars.

People are continuing to wake up and becoming aware of things that they can do, for example, stopping the threat of foreclosure by simply asking to see the original note that they signed. The stoppage on foreclosures cuts the PTBs/banksters life blood.

As a result of the suppressed creation of credit, upper level minions will be turning on each other more and more. This of course means that some of those that thought they were part of the upper levels of the inner circle will find that they are instead left hung-up on line outside to dry.

Most certainly the PTB are themselves suffering from increased chaos arising within their own ranks as a result of the failings of the fiat money system. Trying to bring the rest of the world down with them is the only hope they got. Its the last card they have to play.

I find it interesting that FOX News has made the choice to lose more big money accounts with their corporate advertisers. Many advertisers have dropped out from FOX because of the apparent new direction that the Corporate news entity has chosen to go with these supposed 'conspiracy' issues they are now looking into.



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