HEY! Why are "chemical crops" called "conventional" anyhow? Why doesn't "conventional" refer to the original food we ate for 100s of 1000s of years? [free of chemicals].
I suppose it is like "conventional medicine", "conventional wisdom" and "conventional science". It is the false thinking that our current way of doing things and current medicine and science are the end-alls, as if we have somehow reached the pinnacle of understanding and expertise at this time. It is a fallacy that has followed man forever - with each age thinking that they are the ultimate. History teaches us just the opposite: the science and conventional wisdom of any age are most often overturned in a future age. No doubt, a couple of centuries from now, if not sooner, we will look back with redicule on our supposed utlimate wisdome of today.
Nature meanwhile remains true - at least if we don't screw it up.