ok. Shit. I've been all through cz and a bunch of other websites. all I want is a little bit of relief. My scalp will not f***ing stop itching. All this talk of cream and oils is just ridiculous. Western Medicine says that Seb Derm is incurable. Bull shit. They just dont know how to treat it/ dont really care to learn how as it seems like its not that big of a deal. First of all, Any skin condition is not necessarily caused externally. Most, if not all people who have seb derm have no idea how they got it, but asume that rubbing some sort of crap ointment on it is going to get rid of it forever. It's an internal problem. find the root, find the cure. who the f*** knows how to kill this shit for good? I know its related to yeast in the body and that yeast creates a build up of sebum generally speaking. But seriously, Come on I can't stop eating bread or all the other things that contain yeast. Yes i eat yogurt. Yes I tried acv. Yes I'm taking a candida clease and I drink a f*** ton of tea. what else can I do!?
Some one out there really has to know. Help. For all of us, this is just miserable.