Re: Off Topic: Bladder Problem
now midge, why is surgery your first answer? come on now, you are the cheering section on the
Liver Flush Forum ! :-) don't lose faith in the first quarter.
I read a story about a man that had a bladder condition all of a sudden - and it turned out to be that he had just bought a teflon pan. he stopped using it and the problem disappeared.
have you considered andreas's kidney cleansing tea? The kidney's dump into the bladder, and so if there's a problem at the bladder, then cleansing that whole system might be good. andreas recommends doing a
kidney cleanse every 3 - 4 flushes. i found that to be true for me - i started to feel the need to cleanse my kidneys after i did the first few flushes - and i'm getting ready to do another one. his herbs are listed at, go to the suppliers page.
kidneys must be on the
Liver Flush Forum agenda today, its come up twice this morning!