Quantum Generators, Harmonic Codes & the Real Sound of the Sun with David Sereda
David Sereda is the developer of Light Stream Technologies, which uses specially crafted crystal and silver jewelry to increase the voltage of your body.
Using quantum information processors designed by David Sereda, Light Stream Technologies infuses crystal jewelry with harmonic information. When tested on aura cameras and volt meter, the results show people who wear this jewelry gain an amazing increase of energy. This is because, as physicists have discovered, information tells energy what to do. The jewelry does not contain any energy like a battery. It holds information, which theoretically harmonizes your body when you wear it. Many people who wear the pendants report personal miracles.
Light Stream Technologies
The length of this episode has been extended. In addition to quantum crystals, we'll also be discussing the zero point field, unity & one-ness, time travel, UFOs and extra-terrestrial consciousness and more. It's going to be a whirlwind of a show! Be sure to tune in live!!