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Re: My one and only response
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Re: My one and only response

I see you are continuing with your lies and deceiving tactics DQ (Tony).

 No matter how much you continue to try to twist facts to fit your personal fiction, it isn't going to work.  Your version of being the poor innocent victim and me or others being the attackers is completely at odds with what happened - as was pointed out to you time and again by member after member when you made your original complaint.

Member after member were the few people that did not like me to begin with and saw the opportunity to jump on your attack bandwagon after you got the attacks started.

If anyone somehow missed that debacle, they can revisit it here:

Yes, another deceptive tactic by Tony.  Notice how he carefully selected what post to re-post instead of the original post where he started with the attacks as has been proven over and over.  Or the posts where he continued violating TOS, which was the basis of my complaint in the moderator's forum to begin with.  Mr. Twoface started the attacks and kept them going while preaching against such behavior.  Then he hid my posts showing proof of his violations while leaving multiple posts attacking me in violation of TOS in plain view.  Of course he is not going to show everyone these.  And all this because I exposed a flaw in his oleander cures cancer claims.  I guess his ego trumps facts and safety.

I note that you have done quite the re-write of your original post, but it matters little.  You can't rewrite history in that thread and there is no use trying to ressurect the issue to try and rewrite history here. 

ROTFLMAO!!!!!  You are obviously either delusional or deliberately lying to mislead people.  I NEVER edited that post Tony.   So why are you lying to the people here? All people have to do is look and see the post is not marked as edited because it never was.  So what credibility you had  just went down the toilet since it proves how willing you are to lie to cover up your TOS violations and other actions.

The issue was discussed and debated to death and in the end almost no one agreed with you.  Many did try to offer you constructive advice.  Your responses, unless they too have been altered, were telling.

First of all there were only a few people who disagreed with me and these were people with reputations for fighting just to disrupt the boards.  And there were people who agreed with my point.  So don't assume you were right just because a few people with disruptive histories decided to jump in for a chance to fight.  Not that as soon as I stopped responding these same exact trolls went off and started fighting elsewhere in these forums because this is how they get their kicks. So just because these trolls jumped on your bandwagon temporarily this did not justify your starting the attacks against me, nor your continued lies and attacks.

And again, I did not edit any of those posts.  The only time I have edited posts on here is to correct spelling errors I catch.  But my conversations with you have not been edited as you are trying desperately to get people to believe as part of your sick game.  If any of those posts were edited they were not edited by me, so they would have to have been edited by a moderator such as yourself as more troll games.

Prior to that thread, there was another message and ensuing debate that offered a good look at how you have reacted to those who disagree with you:

Sadly, that is far from the only example of such behavior.  Your history of inappropriate behavior and of being banned from forums and entire websites follows you, the same as does your history here of inappropriate reactions to disagreement and resorting to name calling and personal attacks.

And as I pointed out in the past. I NEVER attack anyone that does not attack me first.  And that includes you.  I simply posted as error in your reasoning, which was not an attack, and the next thing I know you are on an attack rampage against me that has not stopped as we can all clearly see.  So why don't you point out your actions including continued lies and attacks, making threats and even exposing my identity in violation of TOS again.  And all this from a moderator who feels that the rules only apply to everyone except him.  Yet he whines and complains about others fighting back when being attacked by him and goes on the rampage when people expose the dangers and flaws of oleander therapy.  If you really care about people's health and safety why don't you want people knowing that there are NUMEROUS sources of immune stimulating polysaccharides that do the same thing as oleander without the dangers and without all the processing required to make it safe?  After all you also claim you are against heavy processing of natural substances, but this is exactly what has to be done with oleander to render it safe enough to use.  Boy I see a whole series of YouTube videos coming forth exposing the dangers of this therapy and safer and more effective alternatives. Again you may be able to abuse your power here on CZ but you cannot control the rest of the Internet!

The only way to change history is not to keep on with the same historical behavior or try to keep justifying behavior that is unjustifiable, but instead to establish a better history by changing your behavior so that you do not perceive disagreement as personal attacks, stop trying to impose your own rules and perceptions on websites and forums which you do not own or control and stop resorting to personal attacks.  If you do that, perhaps in time you will establish a more positive image and in the process, eliminate some of the hits you cause to both your image and credibility.

And again, as I proved over and over and over, YOU are the one that started the attacks. And all people have to do is to read the threads to see how you continued with the lies and attacks even after I gave up and moved on.  You really need to heed your own advice Tony instead of acting like a manipulative two-faced jerk!!!

As I have stated before, I really do hope that you wake up and figure out what you are doing wrong.  Even though your past behavior would more than justify yet another banishment, I would rather see you wake up and smell the roses and continue as a member who otherwise has much good information and advice to offer.

Hmmmm,  why was I banned from the couple of forums I was banned from?  Oh, that's right, because I posted evidence contrary to the claims being made.  Not for attacking and lying about people like you have been doing. Some people, such as yourself, simply don't care about the truth and prefer to rely on delusional rationalizations.  This is why you keep ignoring the fact that YOU started the attacks and you are falsely claiming that I edited posts I never edited in order to mislead people from the real facts.  Typical troll games.

With that rebuttal and advice, I am ending any further debate or discussion on my part on a subject that has already seen far more play than it deserved.

That's OK, you are so far out in space right now that you will never see your own repeated violations of TOS and how you started the attacks even if the solid evidence was posted in front of you over and over.  Oh wait, that was done already and you are still denying it.  Point made!!!



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