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My one and only response
Dquixote1217 Views: 2,835
Published: 15 y
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My one and only response

H -

No matter how much you continue to try to twist facts to fit your personal fiction, it isn't going to work.  Your version of being the poor innocent victim and me or others being the attackers is completely at odds with what happened - as was pointed out to you time and again by member after member when you made your original complaint.

If anyone somehow missed that debacle, they can revisit it here:

I note that you have done quite the re-write of your original post, but it matters little.  You can't rewrite history in that thread and there is no use trying to ressurect the issue to try and rewrite history here.  The issue was discussed and debated to death and in the end almost no one agreed with you.  Many did try to offer you constructive advice.  Your responses, unless they too have been altered, were telling.

Prior to that thread, there was another message and ensuing debate that offered a good look at how you have reacted to those who disagree with you:

Sadly, that is far from the only example of such behavior.  Your history of inappropriate behavior and of being banned from forums and entire websites follows you, the same as does your history here of inappropriate reactions to disagreement and resorting to name calling and personal attacks.

The only way to change history is not to keep on with the same historical behavior or try to keep justifying behavior that is unjustifiable, but instead to establish a better history by changing your behavior so that you do not perceive disagreement as personal attacks, stop trying to impose your own rules and perceptions on websites and forums which you do not own or control and stop resorting to personal attacks.  If you do that, perhaps in time you will establish a more positive image and in the process, eliminate some of the hits you cause to both your image and credibility.

As I have stated before, I really do hope that you wake up and figure out what you are doing wrong.  Even though your past behavior would more than justify yet another banishment, I would rather see you wake up and smell the roses and continue as a member who otherwise has much good information and advice to offer.

With that rebuttal and advice, I am ending any further debate or discussion on my part on a subject that has already seen far more play than it deserved.




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