i was in on that period of time. the theory at the time, ridiculous at it may seem now, is that if you bus in ghetto black kids from the bad side of town, mix them in with the whites on the good side of town...the black kids would magically become good students. there was no upside for the white kids, they had to adjust or go private. and then jobs and prosperity would flow to the bussed kids once out of school. didn't happen. it was all a ruse, a con. i knew it then, you know it now. obama is that black kid from the ghetto, moved into the white house, can't handle the job from day one. no real benefit to anyone. all the intelligent ones thought that bringing a black guy into the mix would solve everybody's problems. didn't. just like bussing. nothing's changed in 30 years, friends. that's what liberalism gets ya. keep trying the same 'ol thing, get the same 'ol result.