Along with perfect deliverance from the spirit posession (which is what it is - schitzophrania) I got revelations of the technicalities behind it.
you don't need to medicate your son. please don't give him pharmaceuticals; that doesn't deal with the root cause of the problem; it only desensitizes you from receiving information via your neuroreceptors in the brain so the mind stops producing those chemicals. instead you need to rechannel the mind to receive the information that produces healthy checmicals. if you pray you connect your mind to those objects in the universe that produce positive checmicals in the brain that do not trouble you or make you feel scared.
when you eat, you send proteins to your cells and the DNA uses those proteins to develop chemicals based on the code that is in the DNA. fasting gives your body a rest from constantly producing new chemicals and gives it a chance to receive new information from the cosmos and recharge itself. prayer makes you connect your consciousness to spiritual entities which are higher frequency and receive higher quality information and change the code in our DNA.
it's not chemical it's a spiritual illness.