Blastocystis Hominis and Dientamoeba Fragilis
Blastocystis Hominis and Dietamoeba Fragilis should ALWAYS be looked for in people with 'IBS' or any gastro-intestinal issue. Do not let anyone tell you they are harmless.
They require a proper stool test (3-Day Stool WITH FIXATIVE - both bugs do not last long in stool, unless preserved), and done through a lab that knows how to test for Parasites.
NOT through a hospital with a 1 day stool, looking only for typical stomach bugs.
BOTH can cause serious chronic issues. More people should be informed of them.
Certain Sub-Types of each bug may not cause issues, but some definitely do. If you have GI symptoms then it is fairly safe to say they may be causing them, or at least a large part of the cause.
Search 'badbugs' in google for the top site on them.
Also 'blastocystis research foundation' in google.
Inform anyone who you feel may benefit from know (especially those with IBS, 'Leaky Gut' or
food intolerances - This may be a huge factor, but of course, not always.)
These so-called 'harmless' bugs are truly causing problems for many.
I have NEVER read anyone getting better with Herbals (even though this is always my first choice). Flagyl will almost certainly fail. A combination of drugs is required to kill them. Info through the 'badbugs' site helps.
Take Care,