Years ago when I had reoccuring inflammed Patches on my (inner)Buttocks my Dermatologist thought it was "Yeast"...I laughed out of ignorance because I thought "Yeast Infections" was a "Woman thing"...He placed me on topical creams that didnt do a thing.
I've been passing Dead-horrible smelling-Candida in my stool since I've been on the "Candida/Fungal formula"..Now that I made it to week 4 it looks like the Candida is trying to hide for cover in my Buttocks area. The rash is itchy and the skin is "raised" and inflamed. The only thing that helps is Ozonated Olive Oil...I always keep that stuff sitting around for emergencies..It ain't cheap but it works..
Should I order another 30-day supply of the "Candida/Fungal" formula or wait 90-days? I'm not certain if the Candida is escaping to my Buttocks as a last act to survive the Forumala treatmenats or if I'm experiencing die-off-effects and my buttocks area is where the infection had been living all along..
Could it be that it's taken 4-weeks for the Formula to make it's way to the root of where the Candida has been living?