PLEASE POST A REFERENCE WHERE YOU GOT THAT INFO. and it had better NOT be another herbalist or unknown intenret doctor trying to sell products
until you post something i wont believe you. anything coming out as WASTE is meant to be waste!!!
when did URINE have amino acids in it? so your saying urine has protein in it? if that happens something is seriously wrong in the body b/c your not supposed to be losing any proteins through your pee...nor any Sugar etc etc. that would make you diabetic. your kidneys would reabsorb any amino acids back into your blood before theyd ever escape in the urine
i leanred this & why should i trust a stranger on the internet saying otherwise?
im betting they even go as far to say someday that eating your turd has healing properties too b/c it contains various unknown, unused nutrients that are byproducts of your digestion!