you know, i'm ok with military cuts. waste is everywhere.
might seem shocking to many of you fans out there, but amerika spends too much in every sector...that includes military. i guarantee you as i'm typing this post, i could cut 5% from each category of government and you would not feel it. wouldn't change anyone's daily lives or put anyone in jeopardy. military has gotten a free pass for much too long with threats of increased security risk, blah, blah, blah. not buying that. just not. i've lived too many years to know that waste and graft has become the norm in washington. and if rand paul is the guy who's gotta say it out loud, so be it. good for him. i support that thinking. if cutting military waste leads to cutting the welfare budget, the social program budget, the education budget, etc...count me in.
Amerika spends too much on EVERYTHING. the day of reckoning is here, folks. our printing presses are running dry of ink. borrowing the keep our national head afloat must end now. if that means everybody's level of luxury decreases slightly, let it happen. we're a nation of "cut everything but my area" types. no, we all need to cut. wouldn't it be a wonderful thing for all 350 million of us to live in a country that owes nothing to no one? i realize it's a dream, but guess my household, it's reality. and i sleep soundly at night. amerika should likewise.