I think i just hit the nail on the head! I have been sitting here looking over my results from quest and diagnosetech for the past 2 hours.I literally googled every test i had done.And I finally think i figured out my issue!DUN DUN DA DUUUNNN-sibo..just like i thought!I have an abundant overgrowth of alpha hemolytic streptococcus.This means i probably have had for a long time before symptoms flared.Which makes since bc i only had 2 bms per week.Totally explains my malabsorbtion(undigested food in stool) problem.sibo also causes b12 and iron deficiancy.Guess I dont have leaky gut either bc my siga/chymotrypsin/fecal ph are all normal.Only other thing shown as positive is mild intestine inflammation. Geez i hope im onto something here....