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i wipe away your spittle, 132.
John McCain 2008 Views: 1,611
Published: 15 y
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i wipe away your spittle, 132.

first and foremost, business is not a social program. i'm here to make money...frame it, put it up on the wall. if i don't make money, nobody who works for me makes money. and you, my good liberal friend, don't work for free, do ya? no, you work for a paycheck. and you'd be the first guy in line complaining when raises cease in your company. but you'd never examine why. you'd only complain. obama is you, 132. he complains but never examines how real business operates. it's not a social agency designed to help people or keep them up on their personal bills. my business plan wasn't designed to make sure you always have a raise or always have the nicest car in your garage. my contracts are designed to make me a profit. net profit to be specific. enough to get me out of bed in the morning each and every day. and when i focus on that, the people on down the line get their reward. remember, i have to keep reminding you, 132, mine is not to make people rich. the producers, the risktakers, the guys and gals with their investment dollars on the line get that luxury. with many going out just as fast and hard as those who make it. hate the mccainster all you want...but read this true story about bush economy vs. obama economy...

two season ago i had a college kid working for me at $100/day. this under a bush presidency. good worker. earned his money. always wanted more money but took what i was paying. eventually contracts ended for the year and he went back to school. during the last days he made it clear that he wanted more money and guarantees. mind you, this is a college kid with limited skills. obama is elected. i experiment in the vast amount of skilled workers i can choose from, and lowball the wages. i get overwhelmed with the response from workers much better and loyal than the college kid. the "wanting" college kid. then i hit the goldmine idea of hiring out all the work. now i don't need the kid, not as part time...not at all! he calls up and begins to ask for more money and that he's ready to start. i love this part...i inform him in the 'ol mccainster way that his services are no longer needed. not at $100/day, not at $75/day, not any day. i tell him (an avid obama supporter), ask obama to hire ya. see if he's got some more of that stimulus "shovel ready" work. kid ends up bussing tables at red robin...after 1.5 months of looking. welcome to obama's world.


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