Sodium Chlorite Success
I am curious about the following statement that you made to me regarding the internal consumption of stabilized O2 (sodium chlorite):
"Internally, we have had success with UTI's, eliminating pin worms, some success with MS symptoms, a modest improvement with ALS, measurable improvement with dementia/Alzheimer's, and a measurable improvement in raising blood oxygen levels. We have also had a number of people comment on a better sense of well being."
I have the following questions:
1) How do you know about these successes (first hand, second hand, etc.)?
2) What was your precise role in the carrying out of these treatments?
3) Is there any way that people (like myself) who are students/users of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement can verify these successes?
4) What type of assessments were used to measure the improvements that you mentioned?
5) Who is the "we" that you refer to?
As always, thanks a million