Excellent suggestion, CuresWanted
Thank you, CuresWanted...this gives me lots to think about, without making my head ache.
...And lots to hope for.
I have also placed my faith in Himalayan Crystal Mineral Salts, making the sole (pronounced so-lay) by putting some of the rocks in clean water and leaving them overnight, until they have melted as far as they will, leaving some rocks in the bottom. The water is then a 26% solution...sole.
To make a foot or arm bath I put 26 cups of warm water in a container, add 1 cup of sole, and soak for 20 or 30 minutes.
The skin will apparently balance one's minerals, both in and out, by osmosis.
It pleases me to think of balanced minerals circulating in blood and lymph...with no need for me to calculate anything.
I think I can do this every day.
-Which is where my supply comes from. I discovered this in my local healthfood store and was afraid to try it for three years. If its goodness has lasted for 250,000,000 years, what's another two or three?
Then, of course, I was disappointed I didn't feel much improvement, or something, with my first tub bath. When I got out I just felt wet...though nicely grounded.
I can't afford the tub baths so I just do footbaths now.
I had a stroke about a year and a half ago. It would be a good idea to use a footbath every day, and mark down every change I notice.
If you know anyone who had a stroke, encourage them to MOVE, gently, as much as they can, as often as they can. The body retrains itself...slowly, but surely.
The local hospital Rehab Dept. gives half hour movement therapies to every patient at least twice per day on weekdays. What a treat! (Though it takes a while to recognize what a gift that is.)
It was very lucky that I felt silly, and laughed, when the paramedics found me sitting in the middle of my livingroom floor...with my pants down.
Laughing prevents some of the damage, and begins healing. I have that from a lady who knows.
Also, Readers' Digest once carried a story of a fellow who got himself kicked out of hospital for disturbing the other patients, by laughing...even when there was nothing funny going on. (They don't kick you out of hospital unless you are mightily improved.)
My best,