Re: Desperate, fed up and in despair with all the contradiction
Straight talk eh? Ok - here goes ( you asked for it...)
I was skeptical about flushing gallbaldder. I figured "nah its too cheap and sounds a bit weird", but I did it once and got many stones .... felt great 3 days later once my digestive system had settled down.
Does the Dr Nan flush process work - in my opinion - yes.
Would I recommend it - yes, as long as you realise it will make you feel a little nauseous for say 4-8 hours in the olive oil stage, but compared to 2 years of sickness, its a small price to pay.
Did it remove my gall bladder pain by flushing stones - yes I think it did.
Is it without risk - no - there is always a risk a stone could get jammed on its way out, the
Epsom Salts is suposed to relax the gallbladder so its doenst happen the olive oil to allow the
Gallstones to slide easily through your intestines.
How many people have reported a problem with the gallbladder cleanse? - I didnt look too hard, so check for yourself on the testimonials page.
Is a gallbladder flush better than surgery - if you were doubled up in agony and couldnt move, personally I'd ask to be on the operating table within 15 minutes. If you have occasional pain, a gallbladder cleanse may help by reducing stones and therefore pain. I am *not* a medical person so take that into account while making your own mind up.
Do all
Gallstones show up on xrays/scans - no they dont. However I think some of these so called "soft" stones could also cause pain when passing.
Why dont doctors mention a simple gall baldder cleanse to patients? - the million dollar question. Many people think that doctors are trained so they only think to use drugs and surgery. Others think that the doctors cant think outside the square. Others think that doctors are in it only for the money and prestige.
My view is that its a bit of all of the above, althouh less on the money side of things. I think doctors are blinkered so they cant see simple and cheap solutions. from experince, I also know doctors are utterly scraed of being seen as "quacks" if the stray from "conventional" medical thinking. They are scared of the main medical body - ask them NOT to recommend a vaccine and see how they react....
Anyway, my once time of flushing was hassle free and pain free , and as alsways, you need to make up your own mind as only you can control your health.